
Rent and Schedule Kayaks or Canoes On the Go

Figma Product Design B2C User Research Mobile Application Outdoors
Drift provides a way for users to quickly rent and schedule kayaks or canoes on the go. Accurate boat availability and fast booking allows you to save time and skip the line.
Wireframes, Prototype, Usability Testing, App Screens
Figma, Userbrain, Google Form Survey


tasks validated in testing with multiple successful bookings completed
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Users were looking for more features to be added and that further exploration and testing is ideal
Person working on laptop icon
Explore additional testing for participants with diverse abilities to gather comprehensive feedback and ensure design equity

How can we make it easier to rent?

Users want to book a kayak or canoe trip in advance for convenience and flexibility but can become discouraged with lack of accuracy of information on available boats.
There are also over complicated rent and book sites that should be simplified or rethought to improve the user experience for the user.
Provide a straight forward app that provides an easy user flow.
Display only relevant information that allows the users to quickly and easily schedule a boat that fits their schedule with also accessible availability.

Focusing on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations

Challenges Ahead

What are the user problems and how can I solve them?

Survey Goals to Achieve

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I want to understand the processes and emotions that people experience around the problem my product is trying to solve.
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I want to identify common user behaviors and experiences with tasks that my product is trying to address.
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I want to understand user needs and frustrations as they relate to the product I’m designing.

Getting to know the users

I primarily focused on two personas because they placed a significant emphasis on two core functions: the ability to quickly check availability and rent kayaks/canoes, and the convenience of scheduling and renting online.
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Alex F.

Occupation: IT Specialist
Age: 22
As a busy IT Specialist, I want to see the availability of kayaks/canoes in advance so that I can save time before heading out the door.


Alex has tried renting kayaks from local rental shops in the past, but has found the process to be time-consuming and cumbersome. They often have to call ahead to check availability and make a reservation, and then wait in line to pick up and return the kayak. Alex is looking for an app that will streamline this process and allow them to quickly rent a kayak on the go.

"The biggest challenge is the fact that there is not always an available canoe and you can't check ahead of time."

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Wardah S.

Occupation: Healthcare
Age: 33
As a traveler, I want to easily schedule kayaks/canoes so that I can do it at the comfort of my home.


Wardah is a busy professional and doesn't have a lot of time to spend searching for kayak and canoe rental options. She also prefers to use apps or websites to make the rental process as convenient as possible. In the past, Wardah has found it difficult to find reliable rental options that offer the type of experiences she's looking for.

"I think it’s convenient and flexible and easy to rent out online because you can research and it saves time from going out and renting. You can do it at the comfort of your home."

Identifying the problems users face

One of the user personas, Wardah, is a traveler who needs to easily schedule on the go because it saves time from going out and renting in person.

If Wardah downloads the kayak/canoe app, then they will quickly and easily pick a kayak or canoe that fits their schedule. ​

My kayak/canoe rent app will let users rent quickly which will affect how users schedule on the go by saving time and skipping the line. I will measure effectiveness by reviewing task success rate and net promoter score. 

Completing a task from start to finish

The user opens the app on their phone and is taken to the home screen. They select kayak from the available options and is then presented with several kayaks to choose from.
After selecting their desired kayak, the user chooses the date and time they want to rent on the booking details page.
When ready to confirm, they are prompted to pay through the app, receiving confirmation with all necessary details upon successful payment.

Creating screens

The wireframes enabled quick prototyping and iteration of screen layouts and flows, tweaking info hierarchy, and key elements to create the ideal interface. This helps build an impactful experience that fully supports the user needs.
Drift Wireframes

Interactive prototype

Users encounter kayaks and canoe selection right away. From there the user can tap a location and schedule booking.


Home Screen, Prototype

Boat selection

Select Kayak/Canoe Screen, Prototype


Pay Screen, Prototype

Test plan

I’d like to understand what specific challenges the users might face when scheduling and paying for kayaks/canoes. My goal is to identify these challenges and find ways to overcome them.

What can I learn from the steps users take in order to schedule a kayak or canoe?

How long does it take for the user to find a kayak/canoe and schedule?

Does the user get stuck at any point?

Unmoderated usability testing

Users were asked to look at a live low-fidelity interactive prototype

Remote, participants will complete usability study at their own homes

3 participants are to complete app on their own

Length: Each session will last between 5-15 minutes, and will include an introduction, a list of tasks, and a short questionnaire.

Participants are people who like to kayak or canoe-outdoorsy. 1 Male, 2 Females between 22-46 years old.


Users involved with Lo-fi prototype

1 of the 3 participants completed every step with ease, but did not fully complete the payment method. Users expressed how quick and easy it was to rent, but 1 participant did not complete every step in payment section.
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1 participant could not quickly see payment method box
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Remove arrow icons that indicate toggling on and off
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1 participant is not aware of the privacy policy before committing to payment
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Move privacy policy close to total and provide a larger area to click
Insight 3
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1 participant is confused with the interaction of billing summary
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Design billing summary without toggle arrow
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1 participant is pausing with toggle arrow on billing info section
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Only indicate arrow interactions when appropriate

Prototype testing insight findings

The payment process isn't exactly quick to complete, and the arrow next to the billing summary either lacks clear instructions or seems unnecessary.
3 out of 3 participants gave positive feedback when it came to how easy it was to book a kayak/canoe.

High-fi prototype

After providing solutions to the payment section, 3 users were able to test out the high-fi interactive prototype. Here's recommendations that were given
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Unsure of what kayak/canoe does once type of boat is selected
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Provide description of what the boat type is on kayak/canoe selection
Drift, solution 2
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Wants to know about the upcoming weather
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Provide a preview of the weather on home page
Drift, Solution 3
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Was unsure about how many locations to choose
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Provide description that indicates that a person can only choose one spot

Prototype testing insight findings

3 out of 3 users were able to successfully rent and schedule a kayak or canoe on their own with ease. However, all users made comments about features that were lacking such as upcoming weather, descriptions for selectable options, and exploring options for custom times and days.

What was said from users

Putting it all together

Home Screen
Select Canoe Screen
Canoe Screen
Calendar Screen
Success Screen


All participants successfully rented and scheduled a kayak or canoe with ease during testing
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Users were looking for more features to be added and that further exploration and testing is ideal
Person working on laptop icon
Explore additional testing for participants with diverse abilities to gather comprehensive feedback and ensure design equity