If Wardah downloads the kayak/canoe app, then they will quickly and easily pick a kayak or canoe that fits their schedule.
My kayak/canoe rent app will let users rent quickly which will affect how users schedule on the go by saving time and skipping the line. I will measure effectiveness by reviewing task success rate and net promoter score.
I’d like to understand what specific challenges the users might face when scheduling and paying for kayaks/canoes. My goal is to identify these challenges and find ways to overcome them.
What can I learn from the steps users take in order to schedule a kayak or canoe?
How long does it take for the user to find a kayak/canoe and schedule?
Does the user get stuck at any point?
Unmoderated usability testing
Users were asked to look at a live low-fidelity interactive prototype
Remote, participants will complete usability study at their own homes
3 participants are to complete app on their own
Length: Each session will last between 5-15 minutes, and will include an introduction, a list of tasks, and a short questionnaire.
Participants are people who like to kayak or canoe-outdoorsy. 1 Male, 2 Females between 22-46 years old.
"Doesn’t allow me to click on billing summary."
"I didn't dislike anything; it was an easy and standard flow for something this (and that's what I liked.)"
"The app is really easy and well integrated. I like all the features in this app. the processing of booking is really time saving and smooth."
"There's different options here. And I'm going to assume someone is going to be knowledgeable and also show visuals."
"I thought it was simple and self explanatory, and super easy to use."
"That was easy. It was click, click boom, done.”
"I'm not sure how many locations to choose."
"Easy to use. Nothing really that I would change. It's simple and user-friendly. I might ask that the app give a few tips as to the weather of these locations (maybe?). But overall, this was very simple."
"Also, I might ask the app help me choose the right boat for my use case (kayak vs. canoe, pedal or row)."
"It would be nice to have a shorter duration of time to select."
"Overall I enjoyed the simplicity and ease of the app. I feel like it had a minimalistic design. I felt as though everything was familiar and functioned almost exactly how I would expect to."
"I liked how easy it was to flow through everything and that I was not met with any surprises and there was never an overwhelming amount of information on the screen. It was very to easy to use."
"It would be nice to be able to view weather for an upcoming weekend."
"Easy to navigate and no problems with selecting or choosing any of the selection. To me, everything went smoothly and also this is a well thought out design which has NO FLAWS. Overall, I think it great and easy to use and set to apply."